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Agri Piacenza Latte is an agricultural company from Piacenza Italy.

Founded in 1999, we have twenty years of experience in our industry.

Our "strength" is in our members: about 150 milk producers (and about 25,000 cows) across the regions of Emilia-Romagna, Lombardy, Veneto, Trentino-Alto Adige, Piedmont and Friuli Venezia Giulia.
Each day we manage and market about 700 tons of our producers’ milk.

Our milk is mainly used for the production of Grana Padano, Bianco d'Italia, Parmigiano Reggiano, Provolone, Gorgonzola, drinking milk and fresh cheese.


We represent about 2% of Italian milk production with a turnover of around 90 million dollars

We have developed a self-regulating sanitary system in accordance with the HACCP method and the new "Hygiene Package" regulations that allows for the continuous monitoring of the hygienic and qualitative characteristics of the milk, from the collection from production companies, through to transportation, up to the delivery to the processing plants.
With this, we exercise consistent control of the production line, starting from the cows’ diet, to product marketing.

In 2014, we began producing our flagship product, our "Bianco d'Italia" hard cheese.


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